Saturday 14 October 2017

Billion types of smiles

I was just sitting on a bench in a park staring at the faces of the people and i was analysing what their smiles tells us.. so i wrote this.
"Billions types of smiles..."

A smile on your face shows that...

- you are in deep love with someone, and just right now you are thinking about your love...

A smile on your face shows that...
- You are very happy at that moment, may be you got extra salary this month or may be its your special day, may be your annivarsery or may be your birthday..

A smile on your face shows that..
You are thinking about good memories of your past, or may be you are just thinking bright future with your love...

A smile on your face shows that...
You and your friends are enjoying dinner at a 3 star hotel and you have just 10 rupees in your pocket.

A smile on your face shows that..
Your wife or may be your hisband or may be your mom is cooking something special for you...

A smile on your facs shows that...
Its 2 am and you are awaken by a sound. Then you look at your watch and that smile is for the reason, oh there are still 4 more hours for sleeping wow.."

A smile on your face shows that..
Its your special day and you got a surprise gift and gift is exactly what you need in your life...

A smile on your face tells that...
You are staring at her in classroom and wow she is also staring at you.. smiling both...

A smile on your face explains that...
There is a holiday tomorrow.. no more work for tomorrow.. tomorrow is relaxing day wow.

A smile on your face can also tells that..
You are totally broken from inside, she friendzoned you and leave you forever and now you are not in contact with her.. so saadd....

A smile on your face can shows that..
You are now a husband of someone or a wife of someone.. and sooner going to be become a father or a mother...

A smile with a tear on your eye explains that..
Somebody who was not in touch with you returned back and hugged you tightly..

A smile with disgust look shows that..
You are not very interested in what the talk is going on, but for a formality you are just listening this bullshit..

A smile with a fear on face tells us that..
You are trying to look brave, but from inside your childhood avatar is crying and shouting like babies..

A smile with sadness on your face tells that..
Nothing is right in life.. people are so mean. Nobody cares for you. You are the most unlucky person on earth.. no body loves you.. hahaha but this is all just bcoz u r sad.

A smile with anger on face represents that ..
Beware!!! You are my friend otherwise i will kill people on such a stupid talks.. you are my friend.. so you are safe..

A smile with lusty eyes tells that..
You are in full mood of romance.. nobody can stop you.. you are not going to control yourself today...

A smile with naughty eyes tells that..
Oops i did something wrong.. i am so innocent lol..

A smile with lips tighty closed means that
Take care my friend, always stay in touch with me.. i will miss you always..

A fake smile means that..
This world is bullshit.. nobody understand me. Stupid people..

A smile with an another little smile inside your face..
You are playing with a little kid, who called u " papa" or may be " mama"

A smile with your foot just kicked a stone on the road means...
Shit i miss that chance.. i wish at that time i should propose her..but now its too late....

A smile with a loud cry.. means that

Why !!!! Why!!! You left me alone !!! Don't u know how much i love u... i hate you.. i hate you.. hahaha

A smile with a little confusion sadness and a little disgust...

Ohh should i eat this?? It is so oily.. i m on diet.. btt btt it looks so yummy.. hahaha

And at last A smile with bright sparkling eyes and eyebrows up .. heart beating..

Ohh There she is.. i was finding from hundreds of years.. she is the one i need..
Here she is.. the love of my life.. wow she is beautiful..

One more.. an inverted smile...means that

Oops this piece of cake was for you??? Oops i ate it?? Sorry ?? Sorry baby .. hahaha
$andy poet

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