Sunday 27 April 2014

The rainy couple(Heart touching magical love story of Soham and Shoma)

Mawsynram is a village in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya state in north-eastern India, 65 kilometers from Shillong. Years ago there lived a coy boy named soham .He was 21 year old. His parents were worried due to two problems, firstly the marriage of soham, and secondly due to dry weather. Because of no rain in the past 5 years, land there had become barren and dry. people were surviving on underground water resources. Soham was so shy that he never talked with any girl or with anyone in the village. One day a group of travellers were travelling from Bengal to Tibet. They were on a journey of 400 miles on their horses. They found shelter in mawsynram. In that group of travelers, there was a girl named shoma. Shoma means a tributary of river ganga.  she was very beautiful with beautiful black shining hairs and a cute little face. Her father Deepanth was the leader of the day Soham was wandering in forest in search of night supper, and his eyes fell on the tents of bengali travellers. He cleverly peeked through a tent where he firstly saw the girl with whom he fell in love at the first sight. Shoma when noticed that someone is lurking inside the tent,she picked up a jug of water and poured it on him. Soham with wet face was staring constantly at her. Shoma asked Soham for his name, Soham replied with a shy red cheeks," my name is Soham,i am a denizen of Mawsynram, but you should not waste water like this,water is precious. We r surviving on ground water from  last 5 years we didn't get a single drop of rain from sky". Shoma replied," By your talks you seem to be intelligent but u should not peek through anyone's personal room. Soham replied smilingly,"okay i am so sorry,i'll never do this again.. By the way who are you? What's your name? I never saw you before here" .Shoma," My name is Shoma and i am from bengal.we all are going to tibet. We r traders. My father Deepanth is leader of this group.. Come on i'll introduce you to my father".Soham was a shy guy..he was afraid of strangers but Shoma forced him to met her father.When he met Deepanth,(as Deepanth means a friendly character)  he showed him his golden jewellery and ornaments.bDeepanth requested soham to bring more people here from his village so that they can sell their products to the villagers. Next day Soham came there with few villagers and on the way to their shelter Shoma met them in the middle of the way and when both Soham nd Shoma looked at each other with flirting eyes filled with attraction of love, magic happened and the whole sky covered with black clouds and cloud started thundering and lightning. Villagers were shocked "what was that??"
other villager replied with a surprising voice," a thunder sound". One of the villager shaked soham with his hand and  this jerk broke the eye contact between Soham and Shoma. With the breaking of eye contact clouds frm sky dissappeared within a second. Soham asked the villagers,"what happened? Villager,"i heard  a thunder sound and sky was dark just few seconds ago" Soham,"what are you talking ?? There's no cloud in sky see!! Shoma continued the talk by saying,"May be it was just an illusion..i was coming to meet you but see we met by chance  here on the way”.Soham,"what happened ??is everything alright?" Shoma, "my father told me to request you that we are out of water now and there is no water resource around, so if you'll provide water for us, we’ll sell our products to you at cheaper rates. Villager replied with eyes full of greed," GO and tell your father that we will provide you water only on a condition if you’ll pay 50 takka for every bucket of water. Villagers returned back to their village. Soham and shoma conveyed the message of villagers to deepanth. When Deepanth  heard this condition of villagers, he got angry and decided to leave the Mawsynram, The panchayat leaders  of Mawsynram stopped traders to go away ,they forced them to stay there,because  Traders had a magical gold stone and they were going to tibet to sell this stone to tibetians. The speciality of this stone was anything or anyone who touched that stone got converted into gold. and stone can be used 3 times in whole lifetime. Traders used it one time already. Panch Damich(oldest leader of village) used that stone on his house,and with in a few seconds whole of the house converted into shining gold palace.With this miracle,now everyone wanted to become owner of that stone and to become rich.Villagers attacked on traders looted their golden ornaments and jewellery  and enslaved them in  cave Mawjymbuin. Soham on the other hand  decided to go against the villagers and  to rescue Shoma and her group from the cave Mawjymbuin. He went secretly to the chamber  in the cave where all were enslaved. He rescued them all but when Soham were rescuing them  his eyes again attracted toward the beautiful eyes of Shoma. Shoma nd Soham were in deep love with each other and as the eyes full of love contacted again,clouds over the sky appeared again and again that thunder sound with heavy wind started. People were shocked at this.Deepanth when saw this magic,he understood that Soham was actually an Aquarius like Shoma born on the day of a solar eclipse. And  in old scripts it was written that whenever a Aquarius couple born on solar eclipse will look at their eyes full of love.that will give birth to a huge cloud which will never get out of water. He told this to Shoma and Soham. Shoma asked his father ,” if we are aquarius couple so why didn’t it rained when we look at each others eyes first time. Deepanth replied  with a smile,” because that day the most important ingredient of this magic recipe  was missing. Soham asked ,” what important ingredient ??? “ Deepanth replied,” TRUE LOVE IN EYES MY SON!! TRUE LOVE!! “.. at this couple every one present there started laughing on both of them. Deepanth,” Soham my son!!! Both of you are made for each other..this journey was just a god’s trick to meet both of you. please take care of her, she love you too and both of you are born for a reason my children, now let’s find a way to get out of here” While soham  was rescuing them, suddenly villagers came there and attacked on them and killed all of the traders including Deepanth. Soham and Shoma somehow ran away from there and stole that golden stone from damish’s house. After stealing stone when they both were running away from village.At forest some woodcutters caught them and brought them back to village. Shoma requested  Soham to return the golden stone to villagers or villagers will kill them". Villagers trapped them inside a crowd of human circle. Everyone became devil in the greed of golden stone. Soham's parents were shouting and crying and requesting Soham to return the stone to Damish. But Soham didn't want to handover the precious stone to the greedy murderer villagers. In one hand he had a iron sword , his forehead was bleeding, Shoma was also crying on Soham's condition. Soham asked Shoma in a deep tone ,"o my love!!! They will kill us even after returning the stone, let's do something, let’s sacrifice our lives for a noble cause. Soham kissed her in front of everyone, with his red blood he marked a "maang-teeka" on Shoma's forehead this indicated that they were married now, their love is pure and nobody can kill their love,and both of them started looking at each other's eyes with a smile on their face. With in a second later, dark clouds covered the whole sky, and with thundering lightning and strong winds it started raining heavily.Everyone was shocked on this miracle. As the villagers approached further towards them to kill them,at that moment Shoma nd Soham touched together that stone, with this single touch stone was of now no use,as it was used third and last times ,In the cloudy day, earth met with heavenly water. Earth's thirst of years now came to end. With a beautiful nature show of lightning and thundering, fragrance of wet soil, and a beautiful couple with pair of eyes dipped in love staring at each other, holding each other tightly, their bodies transforming into golden statues and when the villagers attacked them it was too late. Soham's wish of “staring at her eyes for ever” thus also fulfilled.. Parents were crying and shouting beside their statues, it was said that on next  day a huge flood came and people who were involved in this massacre including damish , that flood flew them all away. But water of flood didn’t even touched the good villagers and the parents of soham. Soham’s father  became the new “gram-panch” of Mawsynram, but according to me it was the happy ending Soham and Shoma became the real golden rainy couple. From that day Mawsynram in cherapunji become the world's highest rainfall area. It is reportedly the wettest place on Earth, with an annual rainfall of 11,872 millimetres. According to the Guinness Book of World Records Mawsynram received 26,000 millimetres (1,000 in) of rainfall in 1985. Beside this heavy rain people there are still suffering from water scarcity. because shower of rains in Mawsynram are actually the tears of that golden rainy couple.. The village also experiences a brief but noticeably drier season from January to February because of the curse of the Aquarius couple. So love never dies and the people who come in between true lovers they are definitely punished by the God.


Monday 21 April 2014

The drunkard's world :)

last night i had a break up with my love;
i cried a lot,at midnight went to a pub.
I was feeling lonely,it was so late;
there outside the bar,i found a mate.
A drunkard holding whisky,seems like life was paused;
we two in hang over,and bar was closed.
We talked rubbish about whisky and bar;
we laughed like monsters and spit on a car.
We shouted,danced under the light of moon;
we forgot the day even the month december or the june.
with a tear in eyes he hugged me tightly;
i wiped his tears with my shirt very lightly.
World was looking like heaven with a sounds of Dj’s;
louder nd louder we laughed at many nonsense Pj’s.
I saw my girl standing ,with anger i threw my phone at her;
my buddy in hallucination threw a stone at her.
I did what i wished ,now time to come back sun was raising;
my buddy was so cool, and his world was so amazing.

Would u wait for me :-)

You know i love u,nd my love is pure;
just u r my love nd I am just your.
Ur love was amazing, life turned to heaven;
in one red colour of love u showed me the seven.
Heart is attracted, ur attraction is strong;
i don't want to quit here, i want it to last long.
I know partition is a moment of pain nd sorrow;
but we must part now to meet tomorrow.
We birds need some shelter may be a nest;
but i'll promise to make u happy,i'll do my best.
We birds need green leaves to survive on earth;
hardwork i have to do as what i am learning from birth.
Food and shelter r just needs of hour;
but for ur comfort i'll definetely buy u a car.
I'm injured by ur eye's poisnous dart;
Happiness is when i love u,so deep from my heart.
I am going leaving my memories,please take care of them;
shuffle my memories but always be near of them.
One day i'll come back ,then plz open your gate for me;
just like i'm waiting for you would you please wait for me.



Beauties in every street of my city;they talk so cutely nd walk like kitty.
here there,u can see every where;
dudes stunting on bikes just to stare.
It's obvious to fall in love with a beauty;
to stare them become our fundamental duty;
garden of rocks nd garden of roses;
crowded with couples that's the causes.
Brownie hairs,fragrance so sweet;
beauty of chandigarh nobody can beat.
Once u talk,u will then never stop;
she'll took u to Elante,CCD nd then shoper's stop.
Beside u in the ctu bus she'll sit wid u;
she'll smile at u nd may be talk a little bit wid u.
U can't stop smiling ask for number of cell;
she'll slap u nd reply cutely u should go to hell.
Winds blowing in my city with a fragrance of love;
in the sky u can see flying flowers and lots of dove.
In the library,in temple,in plaza or lake;
lots of fairies in my city as beautiful as choco cake.

skin tight jeans,colourful tops;
attraction is so strong,like tied with ropes.
In a park when together we walk;
when touches my hand giving me a shock.
Boating in lake,while splashing the water;
laughing like angels,looks like juliet's daughter.
At sindhi's at gopal's when we dine together;
with each other's hands we drink wine together.
Sitting on my bullet's back,she holds me tight;
we njoy the ride screaming nd shouting till midnight.
In the valley of leisure we play hide n seek;
whenever get so romantic i kiss her on cheek.
The city is beautiful,beautiful the girls;
in the indian ocean they r priceless pearls.
Girls of Paris london,china or rome;
i can't love u,just leave me alone.
The journey was joyful,i wish to always be seated;
now i'm leaving this city ,but yes i am commited.

CCD-cafe cofee day
LAKE- sukhna lake chandigarh
GARDEN OF ROSES-rose garden,chandigarh
GARDEN OF ROCKS- rock garden chandigarh
VALLEY OF LEISURES-leisure valley chandigarh
ELANTE- biggest shopping mall of chandigarh
SINDHI'S AND GOPAL'S- famous restaurants of chandigarh.

Monday 14 April 2014


God when created u,thinking of rose;
eyes like deer,nd a rabbit like nose.
Two spongy mushrooms taken for cheeks;
petals of lotus selected for lips.
With a golden charkha,HE spun ur hairs;
fill ur eyes with diamonds that fall like tears.
Smile like a fairy,nd skin like a dove;
poets,artists of world, with u fall in a love.
They forget to think future,forget the past;
they say present is so beautiful nd life is so vast.
How magical u r,strucked here on earth;
u r a fairy,on heaven u should take birth.
Boring pyramid of life, boring bottom boring top;
darkness is all around just u r one ray of hope.
World is nthing just cruel people's hub;
oo angel...i wanna fly away to heaven,just bless me with ur love.

A HANDFUL OF WARMTH (a short story cum poem by $andy poet)

Cold and dark one night of december;
poor little henry, smthing trying to remember.
henry, a boy age i think eight;
In a hurry to cottage,but today he's late.
Mother n sister, suffering from cold;
nothing to eat,no hands to hold.
No money in pocket, henry searching for pills;
wandering the market,looking for doctor in towns,in hills.
Henry met a doctor,whose ears like bunny;
no pills,no medicine without any money.
Tears in eyes, loosing his hope;
but continues his search without any stop.
Shivering hands inside gloves of dad;
love of father, tasty food things that he never had.
At the forest's edge,henry attracts to a light;
a path leads to a glow, seems to be right.
A hut with no human, with a campfire outside;
henry sat down beneath fire,with eyes so wide.
Heat of fire,healing his pain,healing his cold;
red cheeks of henry turning to gold.
Little thoughts of henry tickles his brain;
Happiness in his eyes, with a joy of gain.
He remove his gloves started to fill them with air so hot;
after filling both,with shoelaces he gave them a knot.
Happy henry with a hand full of warmth,running to home;
with a thots of his sick little sister nd dear mom.
Reached home,happily henry open the knot;
on the face of sister nd mother he poured the air so hot.
Magic happened with a sparkling purple light;
Brightens their cottage as well as dark night.
angels from heaven with wings so light as hay;
three pure souls of a family,they take them away.
love is wonderful, it’s in eyes nd even in a tear.
A hand full of warmth is enough to show care.
if u care someone… it means u love that person.. and it’s the blessing of that Almighty GOD.


Monday 7 April 2014


Tootey jo pall mai ,judney ko kai saal lagey;
tootey to do pall ki khushi,zindagi saari fir behaal lagey.
Ik waqt inhey naa dey paaya mai;
fir jaudney se thoda ghabraaya mai.
Viraasat k rishtey they kuch jo khud banaaye maine;
waqt k saaye mai saarey rishtey bhulaaye maine.
Wo kehtey rahey k matt bhaago humse,hum hi kaam aayengey.
Hum hi akelepan mai hasaatey they tumko,fir hum hi tumhe rulaengey.
Choti baat moti baat, baaton baaton k teer chaley;
jhagdey huey bebuniyaad palko k neechey neer chaley.
Naa wo samjhey naa hum samjhey samajhdaar to saarey they;
dushman baney saarey apne jo v dil k pyaarey they.
Ye gussa,ye ghrina,ye jalan ye irshaa rishton ko khaati hai;
ik maafi sache dil se kahi ik rishtey ko tootney se bachaati hai.


Hi friends, I want a little help from you. I have published a new book titled, "The love agreement" (एक प्रेम-समझौता).I am...

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