Monday 21 April 2014

The drunkard's world :)

last night i had a break up with my love;
i cried a lot,at midnight went to a pub.
I was feeling lonely,it was so late;
there outside the bar,i found a mate.
A drunkard holding whisky,seems like life was paused;
we two in hang over,and bar was closed.
We talked rubbish about whisky and bar;
we laughed like monsters and spit on a car.
We shouted,danced under the light of moon;
we forgot the day even the month december or the june.
with a tear in eyes he hugged me tightly;
i wiped his tears with my shirt very lightly.
World was looking like heaven with a sounds of Dj’s;
louder nd louder we laughed at many nonsense Pj’s.
I saw my girl standing ,with anger i threw my phone at her;
my buddy in hallucination threw a stone at her.
I did what i wished ,now time to come back sun was raising;
my buddy was so cool, and his world was so amazing.

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Hi friends, I want a little help from you. I have published a new book titled, "The love agreement" (एक प्रेम-समझौता).I am...

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