Monday 14 April 2014


God when created u,thinking of rose;
eyes like deer,nd a rabbit like nose.
Two spongy mushrooms taken for cheeks;
petals of lotus selected for lips.
With a golden charkha,HE spun ur hairs;
fill ur eyes with diamonds that fall like tears.
Smile like a fairy,nd skin like a dove;
poets,artists of world, with u fall in a love.
They forget to think future,forget the past;
they say present is so beautiful nd life is so vast.
How magical u r,strucked here on earth;
u r a fairy,on heaven u should take birth.
Boring pyramid of life, boring bottom boring top;
darkness is all around just u r one ray of hope.
World is nthing just cruel people's hub;
oo angel...i wanna fly away to heaven,just bless me with ur love.

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